Less Is More
“Simplicity is making the journey of this life with just baggage enough. ” ~Author Unknown
Moving around as I now do, has shown me that I need to simplify my life. I already know I can’t take it with me, but as long as I live on this earth, I really need to figure out how to move around the world with as few complications as possible.
It’s not a new lesson by far, as I already have had to take 20 years of living and compact it into one room, nearly, and now I have more work to do from there.
I have done so much throwing away and weeding out for a long time now. One thing that can’t be thrown away, is precious memories. I know I take a LOT of photographs, but recently it occurred to me the back up of those photos taken with my old Fuji camera were on CDs and that I could take them and put them onto DVDs saving my book of CDs of a LOT of room.
I couldn’t believe how many CD’s equaled the space on DVDs. I have eliminated pounds from the CD storage case.

Memories are now on a few DVDs instead of a stack of CDs, about 93 in all.
Only thing is, what do I do with the old CDs now?