Laura Turns 14
It’s hard to believe my baby is 14. I remember 14.
Because I remember 14, I appreciate the young lady Laura is.
She is bright, lively, energetic, thoughtful, and loving. Just don’t get on her bad side.
Laura decided to spend her birthday, this year the day after Thanksgiving, to have a small affair; a day at the mall, getting her nails done with friends, shopping, and then take in a movie. The movie then followed by the girls staying overnight and watching more movies.
It was a shame we were all suffering bad colds on this important occasion, but, she’s a trooper and saw it through to the end.
She said the day was perfect and it all went her way.
I love my little girl.
My prayer is she stays in God’s will, uses the wisdom given her, that she continues to enjoy life, and continues strong in this wonderful character she has. I appreciate her in more ways than she knows.
Love you Laura. Happy Birthday.
Man… I don’t really remember being 14, and it wasn’t all *that* long ago (I’m 23 now, so… 9 years?)
I was just starting high school at that point, I think. What a difference 9 years makes.
In any case, happy birthday to Laura!