Kalamunda History Village: The School
We have driven past the Kalamunda History Village a few times, each time promising to visit it, but after 5
years of marriage, we finally did. So glad we went! It was a special treat, and I could have spent the whole day there were it not for hunger, we stayed way past lunch time!
Kalamunda is situated approximately 25km inland from Perth, Western Australia in the Darling Ranges. The district evolved from the timber and orchard industries and became a popular holiday venue for the people of Perth and Fremantle. The name derives from the Aboriginal ‘Cala’, meaning bush, and ‘Munnda’, meaning hearth.
Townsite of Calla Munda proclaimed. The name was from Bishop Salvado’s Aboriginal vocabulary. The Surveyor General changed the ‘C’ to ‘K’.
The History Village is on the site of the old Upper Darling Range Railway Station built in the 1890s to service the Zig Zag line which transported timber from Canning Mills to the main line at Midland Junction. It is the largest folk museum in Western Australia depicting the unique hills life and industries that developed in the area.
Our first stop in the village, was the schoolhouse. First government school, called Govt Provisional School, Gooseberry Hill opened. The headmaster was Mr Swindells.
This place stirred my Little House on the Prairie Watching, Homeschooling Mom, history loving self so much. It was hard to leave this room. Wished so much that Miranda and the children could be here!
The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character – that is the goal of true education.
~ Martin Luther King, Jr.