John Forrest Waterfalls and Wildflowers Part One
Back home again, we decided to have an outing at John Forrest National Park. Inspired by all the water we saw on Lover’s Lane and Noble Falls, we were sure THIS time there would be water in the waterfalls at John Forrest. The last times we went, there was not one drop in either of the waterfalls there. What can I say, this is a country that often doesn’t have any water in their lakes either.

Once there, we were greeted by these Magor Mitchell’s Cockatoo, and all waterfalls were forgotten as I just was captivated by these birds. John wondered out loud if they weren’t escapees from somewhere, as they truly didn’t belong in this area.

Here is this beauty with its crest raised.

I couldn’t help but linger there and watch how they perched and ate.

John captures his wife, spellbound by some birds.

As we made our way to the first falls, naturally there were wildflowers along the way.

Yes! Water! I think I’ve seen photos with even more water in the falls, but at least there was SOME!

Wider view.

As safe as I could, a view from the top.

Plenty of donkey orchids in the area, some nearly hidden.

Some wildflowers so tiny, they even make John’s thumbnail look big.

We made our ways to the bottom of the falls. It was so very lovely.