13 Search results

For the term "sunsets".

We Still Do Sunsets

Things you remember as a child… My mom turned on the movie Born Free one evening, she made a big deal out of it, and I was instantly in love with lions and of all things, the Indian Ocean. There was one part of the movie where the lion cubs...


After the Orchid Hunting

After hunting for orchids on Johnston Road, it was time to go home. In spring, our weekends are a lot about Orchid hunting, and it often means we have a long way to go to find them. But you know what? Sometimes we don’t make it all the way that...


Lookout and Sunset

After our walk around Lightning Swamp, instead of going home as planned, John decided we had time to get to the beach for what might be a good sunset. As we got close to the beach, we were a little early, so John looked for a lookout which gave us...

mad rush sunset 0

Mad Rush to a Sunset

John has been extremely diligent in making sure I get to see as many Indian Ocean sunsets as possible. Given this time to Perth there has been a lot of rain and clouds, there were days there just wasn’t any sun. This day, we were taken by surprise and decided...

Sundown 0


Lovely sunsets don’t have to be by the water, and we were far from the beach this time.


Birthday Sunset

Any day that looks like it might have an interesting sky for  sunset, we usually head out to the beach. It was a nice way to wind down John’s birthday.

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First Sunset Sorrento Beach

God’s beauty is displayed in every sunset, His renown blazes brighter than every star, His grace is sweeter than honey. The world that surrounds us declares the glory of God! As a painting dimly captures the beauty of nature, so does nature itself dimly capture His splendor. The sky is...

North Beach WA, Australia 0

North Beach

Ever fill out those surveys that ask mountains or beach when asking your vacation preference? I guess I always select mountains, but something about the sunsets of  Western Australia that lures me to the beach. After our long day at the zoo, we went to North Beach to watch the...

sunset at indian ocean 0

Sunset at the Indian Ocean

They call the coast here by the Indian Ocean, the Sunset coast. It earns its name almost daily. “They who dwell in the ends of the earth stand in awe of Your signs; You make the dawn and the sunset shout for joy.” Psalm 65:8 (NASB) Anyone who really knows...

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Hamelin Bay Sunset

Since we spent a good while at the lighthouse, finishing looking at the beaches on the Cape to Cape track wasn’t going to be possible, so, we decided to pick one to see a sunset with. John has been true to his word to me that we would get to...


Old Photos: Best Sunset Ever

I’ve seen a lot of sunsets before and I’ve seen a lot before, but for me, this was the best sunset ever. Driving from Fremantle to Perth up the Indian Ocean Coast.