Our marriage celebrant suggested a place to go for a nice Hot Chocolate. Hot Chocolatté.
So on our way to Cape Leeuwin Lighthouse, we made the stop. John of course had a milkshake.
Hot Chocolatté in Dunsborough
We quickly found out it was a busy place.
Regulars get their name and cards on the wall. As they make a purchase they get it punched and I am guessing a discount later.
Mmmm it was very yummy.
Then we made the drive south towards Augusta to Leeuwin Lighthouse. I had been there before, but wanted to see it again.
Driving towards it.
This time we did something different, we went inside and climbed 170 steps to the top!
The view from the top.
A view from the top of where the two oceans meet. I could watch these waves a long time...but this day was very windy.
One last look before we go.