Because of Covid-19 restrictions, here in Western Australia we had regional boundaries we could not cross. So we looked to see here we could go for an outing and decided on Herron Point, south of Mandurrah.
It was just about an hour away, so not a long drive, it was good just to get out of the house.
We were hardly out of the car when we spotted a Great Egret (Ardea alba).
I got a little too close I think, so it moved away, but continued its hunt for fish, frogs, small mammals. walking ever so slowly.There were quite a few pelicans there, but I do so love to watch them fly.Here is one of the many pelicans among the stilts.Obviously there would be some Terns with the other water birds.Stilts are also interesting to watch fly.Another stilt in flightSoon enough, in the air, a threatening bird appeared.It circled around a few times.Never get tired of seeing a bird of prey, they are so exciting to see. Even over my head!
It was a lovely spot to spend some time situated along the white sandy shoreline of the Harvey Estuary. It’s a place people go and camp with their families.
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[…] a sweet, lovely, calm time at Herron Point, we headed back north to make our way home, but as always, looking for a spot to see a sunset. We […]