Get me to the Church on Time (part 4)
Wedding over, with the bride and groom heading out to the car and the crowd blowing bubbles, we were not done with our marathon yet. We had one more church we had to get “in time” to.
We had to go non stop from Wisconsin to Maryland, and in a hurry. No easy feat.
We made it just in time.
Here is Miquel, with his friends ready for camp. It may not look like camp attire, but it’s the way Anchor Baptist does camp.
Here is Miquel and Laura, not looking at all weary for their 800 miles of travel from Wisconsin overnight.
Laura and Shelby zoom out the door, as their group is called to get into the van.
The girls are excited to be going to the Wilds.
We did it.
I don’t know how, but it all got done. We got to ALL the churches on TIME!
Did Laura cut her beautiful long hair? and it looks darker?
She cut off her hair and the blonde ends that went with it.
I hope it grows back soon.