Enric’s 30th (Part One)
Once again, October gives us another birthday. This one is special in that Enric turned 30. It’s so hard to believe that I now have a son who is 30 years old.
Even though it was an important event, Miranda had a few events to schedule around and finally decided to invite friends the day before his actual birthday. It was to be a surprise, and he was surprised.

Enric is kind of curious as to why people are in the house. On the deck with Jim, not sure he realizes that there is a party in his honor yet.

Now Micah and Sam have arrived!

Sam’s two boys, Asher and Jonas get right to playing.

Micah, just recently a new dad for the second time, gets acquainted with Jim and Elizabeth’s new baby!

Enric still looks overwhelmed as people file in.

Rubà also gets to meet the new baby. Both were quite taken with each other.

Miranda made blondies and put a big 3-0 in chips there!

I couldn’t believe the scope and range of discussion… Missions, ministry, video games, cultures, movies, cartoons, web hosting, platforms for blogs… you name it.

Sam took some time out to hear his son’s Bible memory verses.

Well isn’t this darling, Rubà lies with even the NEWEST baby, baby Hudson, while Miranda holds both of them.

Oh those blondies never had a chance, these guys finished them!

Elizabeth holds a sleeping baby.

The newest mommy, baby Hudson’s mommy, Debbie.

Meanwhile, Silas entertains.

Well, the men have their discussions, the ladies have theirs.