Easter Dolphin Wedding
This was a different Easter for me.
I suppose this was the first time since 1979, that I was away from the bosom of my family for Easter. After talking to them, I think I was missed. I did miss them too, however, I was kept very busy with my new family.
We did make it to church, at Morley Baptist, the pastor gave a sermon on the facts about the resurrection. Interestingly enough, Rodney’s blog post today and radio show also made many of the same remarks as our sermon.
After church, we went to Whiteman Park, where I met John’s co-worker, Peter. Peter volunteers at the train station there. I hadn’t met him before, but knew of him. It was nice to finally meet, and, he convinced us to have a train ride. It was a hot day, but the ride around the park with John was perfect. It made me think that we haven’t really traveled together before, and how nice it must be if we went somewhere and neither of us had to do the driving.
Then it was time for the wedding. So, I wasn’t the only bride joining the Dolphin clan this year.
We were asked to take photos and we were happy to. More experience for me is always a plus. It was a hot day though.
Here are a few shots of the wedding and a link to a full album HERE.

The bride came riding in Graham's Holden car with a fanfare of honking Holdens parked on either side.

Georgie does a great job of snatching the camera and getting a photo of the photographers with the bride and groom!

John captures this graceful pose with amazing lighting. I love this one on the back of Graham's car.
John and I had a few dances too. I love being in his arms.