Double Date in the Country
We went back to look for wildflowers, but this time Jamie and Naomi went with us.

I was sure told that flip flops and painted toe nails weren’t proper attire for the bush. (But I brought them along anyway, it was to be 93 degrees on this day!)

On this THIRD occasion, we were there when the pink everlastings were still closed! All we could see were yellow flowers and termite mounds.
We did come across these inch ants…
And later we met this little critter, a Bobtail Lizard.

We were all snapping our cameras wildly when I realized Naomi didn’t have one. So I stopped to chat.
There is hardly a way, even in photos to describe how many everlastings there were and their beauty. Here is a video then to help.
Then we went to Toodyay.
To a Coca Cola Café / Museum. (Don’t go after 3pm on a Saturday, the kitchen is closed).
So we settled for ice creams and a browse around the place.