Do You Want to Go Outside?
Me: Do you want to go outside with me?
Rubí: Let me get my camera, it just got batteries put in.
Where did that come from? Since when does she want to take pictures? Then my proud heart melted. Does she want to take photos like her Nana does?
She scampered off and she returned with a camera in hand, one I had bought Silas years ago on a whim (and it was my price) at Kohls in the toy department. I asked her if she had enough clothes on as it was windy. She told me to go on ahead of her and she would meet me outside. With a tiny jacket on (hey, she tried) and camera in hand, she joined me, and did we take photos.
Miss you mom. Loving on your house and garden, it still seems like you’re here when I look at them.