City Beach Sunset
Don’t you hate it when you set off for King’s Park in Perth and get side tracked to City Beach?
John and I were on our way to King’s Park and then we changed our mind and went to City Beach. There was supposed to be a sandcastle making competition going on, but by the time we got there, that was over with not much indication that any such competition happened. We even thought we might have been mistaken about the date, later confirmed we had the right day.

After we parked the car, I was glad we didn’t go into the city, it was a perfect day to be by the beach.

This was my first time to City Beach, and this is the first station for Lifeguards that I’ve seen on Western Australia beaches as well.

Such a relaxed place. Even this late people were still there, with their children, enjoying the water and sand. I just preferred to watch the sun set.