Cheesecake and Good Friends
During my birthday Chris suggested for us to go out to eat as a way of celebrating the occasion. Sounded good to me. Jimmy jumped on board with the idea too. Chris’s idea was to go to the Cheesecake Factory, and since I had never been, sounded perfect to me. We postponed going out until after all the wedding chaos was over.
Jenny and Miquel well into the Bahamas and all the wedding over, we set a day to go to the Cheesecake factory!
Now it’s always good to get out of the house and be with good friends, but it was funny to me that our main conversation was our children and grandchildren. Throw in some politics and news in there, and it was a fantastic evening where we got to catch up on each others lives.
It’s sweet to know that we go back with with each other so far, (we all went to the same high school), and have known each other so long, that there is always something to share and always will be.
Love you Chris and Jim, thanks for taking me out, and for that sinful dessert! My choice? The Kahlua Cocoa Cheesecake to the left above!
In spite of it being a sweet evening, one of the best parts was coming home with a bagful of cheesecakes, one each for my “children”. I walked in, said, “Who loves Mama?” and very quickly, I was assured they all did. Enric admitted to being close to crying as he marveled at the confection now in his lap.
Fresh strawberry for Laura, Tiramisu for Miranda, and for Enric, Reeces Peanut Butter is always a winner.
Wondering if I could get a recipe for tiramisu cheesecake?