Caversham Wildlife Park (part 3)
What’s a visit to Caversham without seeing the blue fairy wrens that roam about freely?

Blue fairy wrens just make me happy.

The male still had some of his color.

They hopped and flitted around us for a good while.
John got a movie.

We got to meet the Wedged-tailed eagle and watch her have some lunch.
I couldn’t help but wonder if Silas would be fascinated…or upset to see the eagle eat the baby chicken.

Perhaps because we went on a milder day, the dingoes didn’t stay this way, they became quite frisky!
I loved watching them play, wishing Mom could see…
The bridge seemed to be Home base.

So after all this time I am just now learning of the Wallaroo?

The Cape Barren Goose

The cattle egret looking lovely in the sun.

The black swan, this one didn’t seem to happy with us there.

Always a colorful sight, the Purple Swamphen
Still MORE soon…
Hello Barbara…
You have some fantastic shots here… they are really pin sharp!!
Thank you for sharing!!