Bush Walk Koondoola
Afraid to wait for another Bushfire to prevent us to walk there, we decided to go to Koondoola Bush for a walk. John said this isn’t a good time of year to see wildflowers, but it seems there is ALWAYS something different and amazing to see.

Jacksonia floribunda
Holly Pea


A fly that mimics a bee.

Calytrix angulata
Yellow Starflower

This dragonfly was very patient with me.

The path we took.

Thysanotus multiflorus
Fringe Lily

Butterfly on a leaf. I am always fascinated to see how sandy the soil is here.

It’s hard to believe…

…that these all came…

…from the same…

…Banksia tree!

Spider Hunting Wasp

Another patient dragonfly.

Arnocirnum pressii

Banksia attenuata, commonly known as the candlestick banksia, slender banksia