I was in Perth last year for wildflower season, and John and I went to a lot of places hunting and taking photos of wildflowers. This year we decided to perhaps direct our search for Orchids. I joined a Facebook group on Western Australian Orchids to help us locate them and one hint we received was to go to Brookton Highway Nature Reserve.

We didn’t have to travel too far, it was about an hour and a half drive.

We soon found our first orchids, the donkey orchid…

…so named because it gives the appearance of donkey ears. This image showed that we indeed had left our house in the rain.

Greenhood Orchid (Pterostylis)

We didn’t just see orchids.

The lovely, but almost unseen sugar orchid, until we saw our first one, then we saw many.

Like this one.

We also saw these fringed lilies.

The area around the reserve was so pretty.

I am guessing this place looks very different in summer…

…but I sure enjoyed the lush and green of winter.

These caught my eye, Bridal sundews growing up a tree.

I also made this new friend. He had his back turned to me until I talked him into turning around.

Then I went on to meet this Emu.

Another orchid. a jug orchid.

And this one, Hare Orchid

A favorite of mine, Pink Fairy Orchid.

Cowslip Orchid

Another Jug Orchid

Trigger plant

and finally this one, Purple Tassels
We came home tired, dirty, and practically stood our jeans in the corner to put on for another outing the next day.
Wildflower and orchid hunting is dirty (but fun) work.