Blood Moon and Kangaroos
So between the news and Facebook, I knew that it was going to be a blood moon with a lunar eclipse.
So I dragged my poor, hardworking, tired husband as he gets home from work, with barely a cup of tea off to the nearest open sky. We found an good spot around Whiteman Park.

At first, we noticed that it wasn’t going to be a great night for moon watching, there were a lot of clouds.
We tried to remain hopeful and figured out places to set up our tripods, knowing full well that moonrise was supposed to happen below the horizon and the would come over the horizon already in eclipse.
At about this time, I got a text from a friend, saying she was expecting that John and I were already set up and ready to photograph the moon. I was surprised, “How did you know?” She replied saying she figured all good photographers were out tonight. So glad we didn’t let her down.

A little discouraged about the clouds, my attention was soon changed from the sky to some little kangaroos. They seemed to be in a small fight.
Then, John spotted it. Very faint, some color, through the thick clouds.
Apparently, those are bad conditions to get a photo of a moon, it’s hard on a good night.
So this is how my mind saw our evening
As we packed up the car, and started the car, the battery was flat. I just whipped out my cell phone for my Luddite, anti-cell phone husband, and we called the RAC. They told us could be as long as 90 minutes to wait. I don’t even think we waited 9 minutes and we got a charge and were soon off home. It was our first time like that together…clouds, flat battery, doesn’t matter, I just enjoy being with John, and he puts up with me
ludite husband???

ADD wife maybe