Birthday Party For Silas
This year Miranda decided to have Silas’s birthday party a little early.
Just like last year, it was held at Lake Waterford Park.
Perhaps I should pause here and give the reason for the “dirt” cake:
A while back Silas was annoyingly and repeatingly asking for something to eat. His dad, after being very patient with him finally said, “I am going to give you DIRT to eat.”
This upset Silas somewhat, and after he was told it was a joke, and we all had a laugh, it became a family joke.
To play on that, and also in connection with Silas can’t eat many cakes because of an egg white allergy, Miranda decided on a DIRT cake! Genius!
The “dirt” is actually crunched up Oreo Cookies. which have no egg whites!

Silas will have to learn his daddy’s motto of long ago, “I crash, therefore I am.” Not a bad scrape there.
A great day. Silas and Rubà seemed plenty tired by the end of it.
As nana, I feel so blessed to enjoy these moments. They are treasures.