Another weekend.
Another trip south to the Bunbury area.

What we didn’t expect was the closer we got to Bunbury the more we could smell and then see smoke.

John thought we might have to change our plans and go somewhere else.

Soon we were out of the smoky area and were able to start the Big Swamp Walk. One of the 3 ecowalks we had planned for the day.

We didn’t see orchids, but the place was loaded with birds to watch, like this ibis…

…and friend.

This corella let me get pretty close before flying away.

This New Holland Honeyeater seemed to match the one on the walk brochure!

I got excited to see some swallows still and resting on a rail.

Mostly because they are ridiculously hard to photograph because they’re never still!

An egret wading.

Some ducks, like this musk duck, like to swim low in the water.

It was also fun to see this Mama Black Swan and her babies.