John and I have been a lot of places within a 3-4 hour drive from Perth in Western Australia. We were looking for somewhere new and some place where it wasn’t raining. With a long list of promise of seeing some birds, we chose Beacon, Western Australia.
Actually my preferred destination shows up as Karroun Hill Nature Reserve, but it was just that little far away, and there were plenty of bird sight opportunities around Beacon.From our driveway, this is how our day started.Nowthe night before while we were planning our outing, I told John if he could include a rainbow, that would be nice. Lo and behold, we weren’t even out of Perth, when while fueling up for the trip, the rainbow appears.A quick stop in Calingiri to take photos of one of our favorites, Eucalyptus macrocarpa. Actually our first stop was in Bindoon Bakehaus, but didn’t get photos this time as because of the Covid 19 regulations there was no dining in this time. As we made our way to Beacon, I spotted a bird of prey that looked like a wedge tailed eagle. It was high up. Since we were in the middle of nowhere, John could stop the car so I could get a photo.John tried to help me out by luring the eagle closer by playing ‘dead’ on the road. The eagle didn’t fall for it.Another bird sighting, but this one left us puzzled. On two occasions in two different places we spotted pied butcherbirds and brown falcons hanging out in the same tree.But in many cases the birds of prey just hung out togetherI think I got too close to this one, and he flew over me to let me know We stopped a few times and it’s just amazing to watch them fly, see their markings, and watch their interactions with things and each other.I guess these brown falcons were our bird of the day. Although the thrill of our day, besides the eagle, was yet to come.Closer to Beacon we took a walk on this area of a rock, and I was fascinated to see this deep hole with a lot of very large ants.I think this guy is threatening me that I am too close.I am reminded on our wak, that not all wildlife is always alive. It’s always been a dream of John to see a mallefowl in the wild, didn’t think we’d see one crossing the road!Again, brown falcons seemed to be the bird of the day. Loved seeing them in flight!We did get to see crested pigeons on a fence.We did finally make it to Beacon town, and we had to stop to appreciate their unqiue way of asking people to come back to see them.
Of course, “calling again” is so much easier with the best commincators I know, Australian ravens, on the wires.
It wouldn’t be an outing in the country if you didn’t spot a few kangaroo.It’s also fun to spot birds you see back home flying around along side your car. Some, almost seem to be racing you.Not exactly a rainbow, but some sort of Cloud iridescencewas a thing for our drive back home.Often our outings is nothing about the flora and the fauna we see, for me, it can be those amazing Western Australian skies, they mesmerize me.One last photo as it gets dark, and we make the three hour drive back home.
So, we didn’t check every bird off the list, but going to the wheatbelt of Western Australia is never a disappointment, I love it out there. Each time we go, I thank God for creating Australia and its unique beauty.