Bad Girl Blog?
Most people who know me even just a little bit, know that I am a bit of a stats-a-holic about my sites.
I like to know how many visited a day, from where, who, all kinds of things that stat programs can tell you.
One thing that stat programs often tell you is what keywords that search engines are picking up on your site. It’s been interesting to see which words have attracted people to this blog…”Bowling nicknames” hit me funny as something people would look for and of all places find them here on my blog…”gum trees” is another that I wouldn’t have thought people to find me with.
But today was the most shocking of all. “Bad girl blog” within an MSN search put my blog ranked at #1 and #2, hehe
Go figure.
Bad girl blog? Is there something you’re not telling us?
I think I found this blog on a page of “bad girls of the web”… just kidding! It’s pretty funny how search engines sometimes work (or don’t work).
I was doing reaserch for a new site, just found out ehat you were saying by tracking stats, well did the search and here i am, via yahoo of course. I like the way you think, I need a bad girl to blog for me:(.