Back to John Forrest National Park
Less than a month ago we went to John Forrest National Park, hoping that we could see a waterfall, but there had been no rain to speak of and no waterfall, not one drop!
With a holiday weekend ahead and two good rains behind us, we thought we would try again. I mean, the weather had said they got one month’s rain in one day, worth a try, no? John wasn’t making any promises for water.
This time, we went a different area to park.

The park is dotted with these little ‘cabins’ all over the place, giving families a place to have a rest or picnic.

Even the parking area was quaint.

We walked along some kind of water way.

But there was to be no water in the waterfall.

Rocks, colored with stain from the minerals where water ONCE was, mocked us in the hot sun.

So we got down low on the rocks to watch a dragonfly, which I believe he is watching me back. He kept us entertained for awhile.

Ok, so I have a short attention span.

If my family ever comes to Australia, I hope they get to bike ride.
So the rule in Australia, a code they seem to live by, is every where you go, take water. Did we? No. Our parking ticket allowed us to park there for all day, so we found ourselves leaving the park and going to the nearest town to look for food and drink. Usually John has his fruit and nut with him, but for some reason were left behind. We were firmly scolded by the lady who gave us our parking ticket.
So we got a treat to go to DOME. Dome is a cute little coffee place, but offers more than just coffee.
Back in the park, we decided to hike around an area that DID have water, the dam.

I couldn’t help but think how different the woods here are different from ours.

But I don’t mind the difference, I cherish it. I love looking at all the new wondrous and curious evidence of God’s creation in this part of the world. John will tell you, I get excited about it all. (Except when it creeps into my kitchen or under my desk).

The dam was lovely and I took a fancy to this rock.

Maybe I should stopped being surprised, but what a sweet thrill to meet up with a kangaroo on our walk…

…and her joey very close by.

As we were leaving, we noticed more kangaroos showing up, looking to crash the picnic area. By the sign, I see that’s not the first time they’ve been there.
No water in the waterfalls again, but it was the BEST of Good Fridays.