The last time we went to Katrine, it was summer, I thought it might be fun to see it in spring.
The colors of Katrine in summer were browns and dry. I truly wanted to see the area with the lush green colors of spring.

Apparently our drive to the country was starting on a festive note.

We kind of took the long way here and made some stops but we were at the church we found by accident last summer.

We revisited the cemetery next to the church, mainly because Silas was so impressed with the custom of graves near churches, “so you can know who used to go there.”

The Katrine road would be my ideal place to build a house.

Nearing the spot that is up for sale, and the ruin there.

A closer look at the ruin.

A wonderful place to watch the birds that flock around the area.

We both tried to capture the birds in photograph.

Country birds just seem to like to race along side the car.

We drove into Northam, and on the outskirts of town, I couldn’t resist a photo of this adorable little lamb.

Out of town, and back onto the road, taking in the scenery. Something I love to do.

We went off the road most traveled looking for a nature reserve…

Mokine Reserve, and we were promptly greeted by Mr. Fringed Mantis Orchid.

Also found was the obligatory Cowslip Orchid.

Always a treat to see an enamel orchid, this one was pink! The underside is as pretty as the top.

Elythranthera emarginata – Pink Enamel Orchid

A beauty by itself as we got deeper into the woods.

Two together.

Love how this one was lit up.

Practically my favorite shot of the day, all those happy colors.

The weather kept threatening rain.

It doesn’t get more Aussie than the classic Kangaroos in the country.

Who can resist a field of orange?

No matter it was a field of weeds.

A brief stop on the side of the road, brought this fella to our car.

The back roads are now in my blood… I love this country.
why did the chicken cross the road??
How can i know, the chicken didn’t know
It was an odd place to find a chicken, the middle of nearly nowhere