Author: Xerraire

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Perth Sculptures: Hopscotch

Perth is a city that loves its sculptures, maybe even the whole of Western Australia.  I have been in some remote places and one can still find a sculpture even there. How interesting in this outing to discover one dedicated to a beloved old game of my childhood, Hopscotch. At...


Laser Valentines

So Valentine’s Day came upon us, our 4th as husband and wife. We went to Perth’s Laser show. Deciding what we were going to do was another thing. We had missed last Valentines together. We couldn’t let this one just go by without some sort of celebration. We decided to...


Peel Zoo

Long been on our list to go, we finally had an opportunity to visit Peel Zoo. We actually had other plans but that didn’t work out. We went to Mandurah for a bite to eat at the foreshore, and we finalized a plan B. We were in the area, so...


Updated Website

So we’re having a heatwave here in Perth, so might as well update my website. This explains why I would choose NOW to update the website. The odd thing is, just a few days before this, it was quite chilly. So Perth is as bi-polar in its weather as Baltimore....


York, Western Australia

We drove through York once in 2010, but we had never gone back. Since it’s Historic, we thought it might be a nice Sunday afternoon outing. We went to church, we ate our lunch, and then we were off. York is the oldest inland town in Western Australia, situated 97...


Old Photos: Harper’s Ferry

A town forged in history. Rich in culture. Abundant with experiences. Harpers Ferry is the ideal destination for travelers of all types. The town is situated at the confluence of the Shenandoah and Potomac rivers and features some of West Virginia’s most unique history. Explore the streets of the town...


Australia Day 2016

We missed last year’s Australia Day. This year, we decided to go South of the river and meet up with The Olsens.For our photos this year, we thought it might be interesting to have the City of Perth to look at with the fireworks. At last it was time for...


Point Peron

Today, John and I went somewhere different. We actually made a few stops down the coast. One that was rather beautiful was Point Peron.   From the video, you can tell how windy it was today.


Roadside America 2016

John and I had been to Roadside America once before together, yet I wanted to go again, this time with the children. Roadside America is a model railroad miniature village. It’s located in Pennsylvania. It’s made with a lot of attention to detail. It was kind of interesting to see...


Holidays Around the Fire

So we had a unusually  warm holiday season between Thanksgiving and Christmas, but it was on a chilly night Enric invited us around the fire. Not a holiday decorated fireplace in the house, no, the firepit in our cold back yard.


Adventures at the Mall

With the grandchildren. Which is the part that made it an adventure. I am not sure why, but I didn’t think we were ever going to get Silas out of the Bass Pro Shop. This post makes it look easy, but they kept us hopping, but it was so worth...



This was our first Christmas without mom. Determined to make her proud, Christmas went on as usual. When she lost dad, she continued to live for the rest of us. Following her example, she’s not here, but I still have loved ones to “Christmas” all over. Each task was done...


Autumn Leaves and Kids

Oh how we love pumpkin season. You did know this gourd-ish squash has its own season, right? Winter, Spring, Summer, Pumpkin…. We anxiously anticipate it every year. ~Trader Joe’s Fearless Flyer, October 2010 I love pumpkin season, so happy to be here for part of it.   “And God said, “Let...


Return Whence I Came

So, leaving on a jet plane, again. That song even came on the car radio. (The John Denver version).   So Perth to Baltimore Soon again Baltimore to Perth. I will always be returning. Ya soc aqui!


Georgie’s November Christmas

Perhaps Christmas at Georgie’s will be an annual event, as this is now year two that we have it. Since Georgie and I both believe that Christmas is a season, not one day, and we’d be crazy to do all the work and expense of it for JUST one day,...


Birds of Lake Gwelup

As lakes go, Lake Gwelup is a very nice place to go. We’ve been before and have always enjoyed going.  This time we went to see the rainbow bee eaters, but we saw a few more kinds of birds than that.


She Had 21 Children

The fun I have on doesn’t stop at learning about my own heritage, I have also included John’s side. The Dolphin family history has been more challenging. Information in England is a lot different. Maiden names aren’t included in much of the records is just one challenge. When I...


Tuart Walk

For our third walk of the day, (not bad for a recovering sprained ankle?), we went on the Tuart Walk. The highlight of this walk are the majestic tuart trees which grow up to 40 metres high and occur in the 420 kilometre strip between Busselton in the south to...


Manea Park Walk

Still in the Bunbury area, we took a second eco-walk, this time the Manea Park Walk Located in College Grove, the Manea Park Walk takes in a range of habitat types. Manea Park is Bunbury’s premier bush reserve and supports several threatened species including the forest red-tailed black cockatoo and...



Many years ago, Petra sent me this precious book about Gnomes. My interest in these unknown beings began there. So when I learned there was a place in Western Australia called Gnomesville, it was a must-see place to go! And off John and I went! Gnomesville is literally a place...



Up til now, Bunbury was just a place to pass through on our way to Siesta Park, stopping at the Information Center and Subway for lunch. This day we decided to explore more. The port city of Bunbury is the third largest city in Western Australia after the state capital,...


Fun in a Tree

Kings Park was having a plant sale, and after a day at the Royal Show, it seemed like a nice, relaxing thing to do after church. And it was. So we bought some plants for our garden, and then we went for a stroll, around a different part of Kings...


Perth Royal Show 2015: The Cakes!

When I return to the USA, I create a slide show that I present to everyone and we watch together on the TV. I’ve noticed that when they watch the section of the cakes from the Royal Show, it gets a lot of attention. Here are some of the cakes...


Perth Royal Show 2015

I tried before and couldn’t do it, so I know better this time: I can’t write just one blog about the Perth Royal Show, I must do it over a few blogs. I will start with just some random moments at the Show: One section of the show, they let...



Weekends are kind of like spin the wheel and see where we go this time. Dwellingup became our next destination. Dwellingup is an Aboriginal name said to mean “place of nearby water”. Which I will buy that, there was lovely water ‘nearby’ for sure.      


Sunday Orchids

Sunday, we still went hunting for orchids, but we stayed close to home. Going by a hint given in the orchid group on Facebook, we went to look for Beak Orchids, and did we ever find some, hundreds of them! These orchids produce large, fleshy, heart-shaped leaves commonly called ‘Elephants’ Ears’.  



Since my ankle is still recovering, we decided to make our Saturday outing a long drive. Later we would see we went 1000 kilometers. (621 miles).      


If It’s Good Enough for a Prince…

On our trips to the country, north of Perth, we’ve often stopped a Bindoon. Usually it’s a quick trip into IGA for a drink or snacks, once a quick stop to the flower show. We’ve often seen a Bakery there, as busy as can be. After seeing this a few...


My Husband’s Labor of (Everlasting) Love

One day we had new friends over for dinner, this was the first time they had been to our house. One quick look at the front yard and Pauline said, “Hey John, you have your own private bush-land right here.” I was rather touched how she just noted and stated...


Our OTHER New Baby

Unlike the computer that tried to die on us and we had to replace, we knew for a while now that we needed to replace John’s 1997 car. What we didn’t know was what a difficult decision it was going to be. Do we replace it with a new, small...


First Day of Spring

In Australia, they refer to the first day of September as the first day of spring. Kinda hard to get my head around, but I just think they’re being over optimistic sometimes. 🙂 But perhaps spring was indeed in the air as we’ve been quiet around here for days and...