Aussie Christmas
Christmas isn’t totally over at our household. The decorations are still up and a present from Australia arrived yesterday for Miquel.
I don’t know what Miquel was thinking when a long tube presented itself at our doorstep from the deliveryman, but according to Miquel, Mr. Dolphin truly didn’t want him to open it, it was well packaged and taped up.
Upon finally getting the tape off, the package revealed a didgeridoo, an instrument from Australia.
Miquel quickly found out they are not easy to ‘play’ and had to laugh at himself in trying.
Miquel soon found a nice spot for it in his room, he hung it up right away.
Should soon be all the rage here in Maryland, a didgeridoo in your bedroom.
Thanks, John, we all love it.
Keep on trying, it´s worth it! Listen in Andrew Langford´s art and get to know what these things can do!