Always Last
I am one of those people that seem to always be behind in issues of technology. I am always the last person to update her browser, I don’t try beta or testing applications, I won’t download or install anything that isn’t tried and true. This isn’t easy considering that I have owned a Skins Site since 1999. This often forced me to update those applications before I was ready, but usually still the last to do so.
This blog is another prime example of me coming in late to things. Long after my colleagues in webdesign have been blogging away their thoughts and interests, I finally climb aboard the blogging boat. I console myself with, ‘ at least I don’t entirely miss the boat’ sometimes.
At the end of each year, the media usually reviews the events in the year. I had been listening and reading what they had to say about 2004, the word “blog” repeatedly was mentioned. In fact, frequently announced was that Merriam-Webster made “blog” their #1 word of the year! (Interestingly enough, hurricane was #5 and cicada was #6). Also reported, was that blogs have become more than trivial, they have become of form of information. Information that a recent panel felt even helped shape the USA’s last election results. “Information?” I thought to myself, “now that *is* interesting.” I do so like to be informed.
So here I go, starting a new year, and the doldrums of winter with yet another exciting addition to my adventures on the web. This could be fun.
you aint last
some of us are even further behind
i am looking forward to seeing what you have to say
will do mine when shelby goes to bed, this should be fun, already buzzin with ideas. keep ya posted.
luv ya
Well, I got mine up before you, but I didn’t make it perty yet. LOL. Time flies, and we all wish there was more time in a day! Have fun blogging!
I think you’re just fashionably late. Your blog looks great. I hope you find it enjoyable. I’m off to link back.
Ahhhh… This should be fun stuff visiting and giving you grief on your blog! You going to
stay away from all the controversial topics?
Dear friend you might be behind, but as always when you start on something you turn it into beutiful art.
I do not know how you can keep up the pace. Love the blog, from content to graphics. Your fan, jr