A Small World

It happens to me all the time. I get upset how far away many loved ones are from me, and then something happens to make the world feel smaller.
Perth, Australia has to be one of the farthest corners of the globe from my home in Maryland, USA. And in the last years communicating with John and sometimes his family, it has seemed so far away.
Often our conversations go to music, its hard to talk to me at all and not have music come into it. One conversation we were chatting on radio stations on the net. Over time he told me he was listening sometimes SONSHINE.FM. Going to its website, there was a listen over the net feature. How cute, listening to the radio thousand of miles away!
Many months later, and having started this blog, who comments on my blog? One of the DJ personalities from the very same radio station!
The world suddenly felt smaller!
The radio station has a very clever idea, they aim to only have uplifting music, combining contemporary Christian music with music of today, limiting it to uplifting type music.
Oh well, just another one of life’s coincidences, and makes me smile!