We, along with Silas, were invited to Cameron’s 4th birthday celebration at Chuck E Cheeses.

The Chuckie Cheeses in Glen Burnie
When I told John what we were doing, he said that was an awful name to give a place to eat for children. To an Australian, the name Chuck E Cheeses sounds awfully strange.
So, I went to the party and was sure to take a lot of photos so John could, in a way, experience Chuck E Cheeses, that American children seem to love so much.

Chris waves and we can already see a huge pile of presents for Cameron!

The children rush to greet Chuckie Cheese, Silas was sure to shake his hand.

Some familiar faces from our church family, Mrs Karen and Logan!

Silas liked to climb on things inside Chuckie Cheeses

The cake theme was Toy Story with Buzz and Woody

A close up of Woody

Silas had a try at Skee Ball

Silas learns when you win, you get tickets.

Cammy finds a football game

Rubà did her job and looked cute all day.

All the children gather, dance, clap, come up front to see…

….and watch the crowning of the birthday boy!

Cameron smiling in his crown.

Cameron blows out the candle.

Next, Cammy got to go into the ticket tunnel where it would turn on wind and he would have to grab as many tickets as he could.

Got his protective glasses on, he’s ready to begin.

Cammy was clever enough to figure out if he crouched low, he could get more tickets!

Cammy comes out with a lot of loot!

Silas always enjoys cake.

Britney gives Rubà some loving.

Opening presents!

Rubà enjoys the presents too!

And balloons too!

Finding Mommy and baby in the balloon too!

Miranda tries to take her two children WHO ARE NEVER STILL one second and get into the photo booth for a sketched photo.

The results are not bad!

Silas learns how to feed the tickets to the counter to then get a prize!
Happy Birthday, Cameron!
We had a great time!
Oh.. the joy of Chuck E cheese!! If I wouldn’t get stared at because of my age, I would still go there!
Ah, this is why we have children! We can still go without consequences!