A Drive Around
A Drive around Perth
Today, after a rough night, I decided I should probably go to see a doctor. Turned out, one could see me as early as 12:30 in the afternoon. So we did some food shopping while waiting, and as luck would have it, we ran into John’s Dad and Iris at the shopping center.
I went to the doctors and was diagnosed with a sinus infection and a fever.
Since the weather was chilly and rain showers, and I wasn’t feeling well, John decided a drive around for something to do today. It was a perfect idea. Some times we would get out of the car, and I decided I could do this everyday. I can’t get over how many different things there are for the eyes to look at once we got up in the hills. But our drive started around Whiteman Park area.
What a thrill to see kangaroos from the road in the paddock!
We got up in the hills just a short while later…I started to think if only my boys could mountain bike here!
What I will never be able to get over is once you step out of the car, you immediately notice wildflowers, but it’s never just one kind, but several in one spot.
From the very start, from the airplane, when trees were in view, I can’t help but be fascinated with all the different trees.
So while Laura was climbing on rocks, she let out a shriek, John and I both ran to see what the matter was and we saw a bird fly out. Laura had disturbed the nest of the bronzewing pigeon, looking further we found the nest with the egg and a baby.
You’re right, the boys would like to do mountain biking there. I like the orange/red path threading through all the green