Who Do You Think You Are?

A part of me is a Fletcher (on my mother’s side), and as I have been digging into my past, I found out the Fletchers go back to England a long way. One resource I found, doesn’t go back as far as I have but picks up in 1568.

Fletchers of Hutton

Henry Fletcher, esq. of Cockermouth, son of William Fletcher, who had augmented the family estates by commercial pursuits was a person of so much importance, as he entertained Mary Queen of Scots with great magnificence, in her journey from Workington to Carlisle in 1568, and presented her majesty with robes of velvet. He married, and had with three daughters, seven sons, viz.

I. William, who purchased Moresby, was ancestor of the Fletchers of that place, which bran became extinct in the 18th century, ad the demise of Thomas Fletcher, esq.

II. Lancelot, from whom descended the Fletchers of Tallantire , who became extinct in the male line at the death of Henry Fletcher, esq. The manor of Tallantire was given by that gentleman to his daughter, Anne, who m. Matthias Partis, a merchant at Newcastle-upon-Tyne. In 1776 the estate was purchased of Henry Hopper, devisee of Fletcher Partis, esq, by William Browne, esq.

III. James

IV. John

V. Henry

VI. Thomas

VII. Robert


The sixth son.

Thomas Fletcher, esq. of Cockermouth, married Jane, daughter and heir of Boleyn (Bullen)?, and had, besides daughters, 5 sons:

I. Richard (Sir), his heir.

II. Thomas, a merchant in London.

III. Philip

IV. Launcelot

V. Henry

The eldest son,

Sir Richard Fletcher, knt. of Cockermouth acquiring considerable wealth by commerce, purchased Hutton and other large estates in Cumberland. Sir Richard served as sheriff for that county 14 James I. He married first, a daughter of ____ Richmond,wby whom he had three children who all died unmarried and secondly, Barbara, daughter of Henry Crackenthorpe, esq. of Newbiggen, and by that lady had

Henry, his heir

Bridget m. to John Patrickson, esq. of Calder Abbey

Isabel, m. to Richard Lowther, esq. of Ingleton in Yorkshire: and secondly to Sir John Ashtpn, bart. of Whalley Abbey.

Mary m. to Sir John Lowther, bart. of Lowther.

Catherine, m to Thomas Lister, esq of Gisborne, in Yorkshire.

Winifred, m , first to George Braithwaite , esq. of Warcop in Westmoreland; secondly to Sir Ricard Dacre, knt; and thirdly to Christopher Lister, esq. of Thorton.


And from this I could go on til present day. Meanwhile, a view of Cockermouth Castle.



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3 Responses

  1. Nathan says:

    Thomas Fletcher is one of my ancestors so this was an interesting read, thankyou

  2. tim fletcher says:

    The Fletchers lived at Cockermouth Hall (now demolished) not Cockermouth Castle

  3. Tim Fletcher says:

    ‘ Catherine, m to Thomas Lister, esq of Gisborne, in Yorkshire’
    Married secondly Sir J Assheton (sic) according to the family tree in front of me

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