Monthly Archive: June 2010


Park Snapshots

Today the heat and humidity left Pasadena, and we decided it was a good day for the park. Silas at his usual fun slide… The static this slide creates! Every time we touched we had sparks! Next, was Rubí’s turn at a slide…mind you, she was asleep, but it was...

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It’s About Time

It’s Day 70 of the Oil Spill Crisis: Finally we are taking help! From AP The United States is accepting help from 12 countries and international organizations in dealing with the massive oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.The State Department said in a statement Tuesday that the U.S. is...

Xerraire Headquarters 0

Xerraire Headquarters

The house is busy and full of people. Often times my room is the location people flock to. When found that I needed another computer, it left me with three computers and one desk. Which is a problem. I have looked at countless sites for desks and even thought of...


Sim City Societies: Lakewood

Now that my new computer is set up, I have installed Sim City Societies and over the weekend, I enjoyed creating Lakewood A fire in the town….


The State is a Poor and Corrupt Administrator

If you can’t see how our new government is mimicking Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez, you’re not paying close enough attention. When the government wants control over everything, look out. From CNBC: Mountains of rotting food found at a government warehouse, soaring prices and soldiers raiding wholesalers accused of hoarding: Food supply...

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Own Backyard

“If I ever go looking for my heart’s desire again, I won’t look any further than my own back yard. Because if it isn’t there, I never really lost it to begin with.” ? L. Frank Baum, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz Sometimes to experience the wonders of life and...

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Rubi Rolls!

Yesterday, Rubi­ (0ne month old) rolled over (from tummy to back) three times! I didn’t think to video the first two, this third time, she was a tad grumpy, but I captured her with my cell phone quick-like.

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Buggy Day

Before today started, I decided I needed a day off, to relax. The plans were to go to church, come home, have some time by the pool, and then watch the Germany-Australia match. All went to plan until it was pool time. Before swimming, I usually bump the pool and...

Rubi is 1 month! 1

Rubi, One Month Old

Doesn’t seem possible, but Rubí is now one month old! She’s already being cheeky with her bother!


Rubi’s First Park Day

Yesterday the weather was great and it was a perfect day to go to the park. Silas at this point, is an old pro at the park. But this was Rubí’s first day! Her first see-saw. Her first swing… Silas wanted to push mommy and baby sister! Silas is a...

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Silas Getting Braver at the Pool

Silas has been a bit timid in the pool so far. Now, some of that could be the frigid mountain water temperatures that yaya likes to keep the water, but some was fear as he would hold on to his daddy very tightly each swim. This day, he finally let...

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Peterson and Lamont Wedding

With threatening skies and a tornado warning on, we came home from church, ate a quick lunch and headed out to Gresham Farm to see Chad and Janelle get married. As we drove there, I was really starting to worry that rain was going to come in time for...

On the Roof 1

This is How We Roll

Now it isn’t that we don’t want to play the Rack-O game sitting in the table, or even a round of Scrabble, but of late, “fun” in our household has taken a new turn. Like the three times since the baby was born, bailing out the two inches of rain...